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our democracy
Membership is about much more than just deals and rewards.Your membership is a share in the business.
This mean you can have a say in how it's run,deciding on everything from the products we sell to the causes we support.

benefits of
- Vote on key business at the Annual general meeting
- Elect members like you to represent you on the member's council
- Join other members doing great things in local communities
- Stand for election yourself to get onto the member council, or as a member nominated director on the board.
how is the
organize ?
Member's Council
Our 10-strong member's council is an elected body. It's representatives are voted onto the council by the hundreds of members it represents,ensuring their voices and interests are heard at the highest level in our Co-op. The council is made up of :
- members
- colleague members
- representatives from independent co-op societies
It acts as the guardian of the Co-op's purpose, values and principles, and the society's constitution, with the power to hold the group board to account. Once elected, council members can serve a term of up to 3 years before requiring re-election.
Senate's Council
The senate has 10 members.
Senate members are elected from the council, by the council.
The president is elected by the members' council to represent and leads meetings of the council and senate, ensuring that both bodies are managed efficiently and effectively.
The president is supported by two vice presidents :
One focussing on business performance, the other on ethics.
Member nominated directors ( MNDs )
The board is made up of 4 directors, of which 2 are member-nominated directors. Members who can show they have the relevant level of skills and experience can put themselves forward for election as an MND.
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